To: Baron Ignaz von Gleichenstein
Vienna, February, 1810

Anderson v1 pg265 - letter #248

        After your first reply amounting to a refusal I immediately sent you the enclosed note yesterday afternoon. [Anderson footnote: “…an invitation from the Archduke Rudolph sent by Baron Schweiger, his chamberlain, to Beethoven.  It included Dorner and Gleichenstein.”]   I was told that you were at the theatre, and yet it was scarcely half past four –– From enclose note from Schweiger you will see that I was counting on Dorner’s already knowing that he could come; hence I mentioned neither the hour nor anything else  dust –  I myself announced you to the Archduke before the beginning of the rehearsal and he took it very kindly –– You have missed a great deal, not because you have not heard my music, but because you would have met an amiable and talented prince and because you, as a friend of his friend, would certainly not have been made to feel his high rank –– Forgive me this little remark, which me savour of pride, but which is prompted rather by the pleasure I take in knowing that those whom I love our immediately singled out for attention, then by any petty vanity –– Yet again and again your friendship only causes me fresh irritation and pain –– All good wishes ––  I am coming to the dear M[alfattis]  this evening ––